Leaky Gut Syndrome Explained

Many diseases originate in the gut and can be a result of ‘leaky gut syndrome’. Once you heal your intestinal lining, you will be amazed at how many symptoms recede.

‘Leaky gut syndrome’ or intestinal hyperpermeability can occur when the gut microvilli, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, are damaged. Undigested food particles, toxins, yeast and microbes can cross over into the bloodstream causing a host of symptoms that can include bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal cramps, food sensitivities, joint pain, fi bromyalgia, mood swings, brain
fog and depression.


The microvilli in the small intestine are easily damaged by the use of antibiotics and other drugs as well as the consumption of processed food, sugar, trans fats, and food additives. There are also a variety of bacteria, viruses and parasites that can damage the delicate balance of the gut lining.

The digestive system hosts a community of friendly bacteria that helps break down our food, process nutrients and protect the body from invading species. Without a healthy balance within the microbiome (colony of microorganisms), the body is left vulnerable to attack.


If you suspect you have leaky gut syndrome, have an assessment done by a naturopathic doctor or holistic medical doctor. Both of these specialists have been trained to help patients with leaky gut syndrome. Once you complex carbohydrates (disaccharides and polysaccharides) may need to be removed for a period of time until the gut heals. Raw foods may also be a problem at this time as they are more difficult to digest. Cooked/ steamed foods as well as warm blended soups may be the only food that does not cause digestive upset until your condition is healed.
  • Remove high-allergen foods such as dairy and gluten grains such as wheat, corn and soy.
  • Have IgG, IgE blood testing done to help determine if you have built up antibodies have a diagnosis, you can seek the assistance of a nutritionist to help set-up nutritional recommendations.

 Without a healthy balance within the microbiome the body is left vulnerable to attack


Repairing the gut lining is a lengthy process. Often it has taken years for a person to get to the point of a health crisis and it can take many months to see a complete recovery.

Food sensitivity

A rapid reduction in many of the symptoms can occur by removing certain foods that exacerbate the condition:
  • Remove all refined foods including sugar, gluten, trans fats, preservatives and food colouring. In some cases a complete removal of all grains, beans and legumes may be required. In extreme conditions all to specific foods. These tests can be done through a naturopathic doctor or holistic medical doctor.

  • Have Candida and parasite stool testing done. If these microbes are present in high numbers, you will need to be treated for them in order for the gut to heal. These tests can be done through a naturopathic doctor or holistic medical doctor who can also recommend treatments for these conditions.

Natural detoxifiers

Include naturally fermented foods such as sauerkraut and fermented carrots and radishes. These foods contain beneficial bacteria which are powerful detoxifiers capable of ridding the body of many toxins and heavy metals. These foods can often be purchased in the fridge section of your local health food store but you can also make your own.
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Mohammed Yacine Ben Mebarek is the Founder Of Medical Culture and an Editor In it
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