"Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrom"
1- Introduction:
When a person know that he has AIDS, he thinks his life is over and that put this person in a terrible mental state . Is the AIDS so much dangerous! Or it is a disease that we can live with.*What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that infects humans only, it attacks the immune system and damage it by destroying CD4 cells ( type of whit blood cells) and make copies of itself insid them.HIV is a retro-viruses ,unlike other viruses, which our immune systems are unable to clear it out completely. No one yet understands why we cannot defeat HIV, but medications can control it very successfully.
There are two types of HIV:
HIV-1: the most common type found worldwide.
HIV-2: this is found mainly in Western Africa, with some cases in India and Europe
AIDS is a chronic potentially life-threatening condition, which develops when HIV has severely damaged the immune system. This is the last stage of HIV infection. It is when a person's immune system is unable to fight the organisms that cause disease. It leads to the died from opportunistic infections.
AIDS make the person much more susceptible to common infections, like tuberculosis , pneumonia, toxoplasmis and tumors.
2_ transmission:
HIV is a viral infection that can be transmitted only through certains fluides: blood, semen fluide, rectal fluids and breast milk. These fluids must come in contact with a mucous membranes ( inside the rectum, the vagina, the opening of the penis and the mouth) or damaged tissue or be directly injected into the bloodstream.In particular ,HIV is transmitted by three main routes. Most commonly, infection is transmetted through unprotected sex:
1_ Sexual contact:
you may became infected if you have vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected. the best protection against HIV is the condom.
2_ Transmission through blood:
the virus may be transmitted through blood transfusions,needls and seringes contaminated with infected blood, Sharing intravenous drug puts you at risk of HIV.
HIV can be transmitted from mother to childs during pregnancy, during delivery, or through breast milk. But by receiving treatment during pregnancy, they significantly lower the risk to their babies.
3_ Prevention:
there is no vaccine to prevent HIV infection or AIDS, but we can reduce the risk of exposure to HIV by:* Educating yourself about HIV and avoiding any behavior that allows HIV-infected fluids into your body.
* Use a condom ( it's the best way te prevent HIV infection ).
* Use the drug TRAVADA ( used also as a HIV treatment) can reduce hte risk of sexually transmitted HIV
* Use a new or a sterile needle and never share it when you inject.
* Take a treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding to prevent passing HIV to your baby.
4_ Diagnosis:
The most common form of HIV test is a blood or saliva test . It can detest the antibodies and determine if you have been infected with HIV. Unfortunately it takes time for your body to develop these antibodies ( weeks after infection)Another test, which looks for anigenes, proteines produced by the virus immediatly after infection, can quickly confirm a diagnosis soon after infection .
When a person's CD4 count drops below 200 cells per millilitre of blood, they are said to have AIDS.
5_ treatment :
There is currently no cure or effective HIV vaccine. Treatment consists of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAAR) which slows progression of the disease.The classes of anti-HIV drugs include:
- Non- nucleoside reserve transcriptase inhibitors.
- Nucleoside or nucleotide reserve trascriptase inhibitors.
- Protease inhibitors.
- Entry or fusion inhibitors.
- Integras inhibitors.
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